On Friday 10th & Monday 13th December 2021, the delivery team were on hand for a fun LEGO robot building event at Highcrest Academy for Year 8 students. 
The focus was on the students understanding the importance of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Machinery) and its relation to career opportunities. A total of 67% of students stated the event improved their understanding of STEM. 
Our business volunteers for both days were Biffa, represented by Adam, Barry & Scott. 
The objective was to build, programme and race a LEGO robot. 
In teams of between 4 & 6 members, each group had a time limit to build the robot by following written guidelines. Once completed, the teams were shown how to program their robot for the ensuing race. Our volunteers along with the delivery team were around to assist when required. 
The was on teambuilding, communication & learning new skills while understanding why all are essential in each student’s career path. The student’s enthusiasm & competitive nature came to the forefront during the event. This was particularly noticed during the race portion of the day. 
“It was fun to learn programming. Now I have a skill to learn and more career options for the future.” 
“It was a good time. Helping us to use our creativity whilst having fun.” 
“The people helping were very amazing and helped our group do better. I learned how to be a better team player.” 
Gatsby Benchmarks met for this event: 
• Linking curriculum learning to careers. 
• Encounters with employers & employees: Biffa and three employees on all sessions. 
The students expressed their feedback with nearly 90% expressing satisfaction with the event. Three quarters (76%) stated this was a beneficial use of their time and 93% voicing their appreciation for the business volunteers. 
We would like to thank the school, business volunteers and all those involved for making the event a positive experience for the students. 
Tagged as: Enterprise, LEGO, STEM
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